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News Snippets

May 1999 News

  • Microsoft Windows 2000 U-turn
  • Intel launches 333MHz mobil chip
  • Contracting contractors

Microsoft Windows 2000 U-turn

MS performed an amazing U-turn when it admitted that the next consumer focused Windows version would be based on the Win9x kernel. This can only mean one thing - the Windows 2000 (aka NT5) has problems. It must also mean that MS might have finally understood that W2000 might be a little too much for a desktop. It could also mean that MS have acknowledged there are some competitors out there - Nintendo and Linux (Red Hat). Could this mean that the arrogance has been dented!!!

Intel launches 333MHz mobile Celeron chip

All Celerons come with a 128Kb on-die level two cache. Low voltage processors generate less heat (no need for power to drive the fan) thus longer battery life or smaller batteries and smaller machines.

Contracting Contractors

IT departments must react now to the IR35 budget proposal which will become law next year. The Inland Revenue is cracking down on disguised employment - people who act as LTD companies to cut their tax and NI costs. The proposal could increase the cost of contractors by ca. 25%. The business response will be to cull the contractors, increase permanent positions and increase the usage of hourly temps.


  • Netscape swallowed by AOL. This puts AOL fully into the E-Commerce arena
  • Cisco swallows InterWorld. This will closely lock the Cisco users to the InterWorld products.
  • Sony & Toshiba are building a new 200MHz 128bit RISC playstation. It also has a modem DVD, USB & 6.2 GFLOPS
  • Dell & IBM link up to exchange technologies. What does this mean to the Thinkpad?
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